General Medicine
General Medicine
The department of General Medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of various diseases. It serves as the first point of contact whenever a patient visits the hospital. A general physician conducts a physical examination of the patient and then recommends necessary tests and diagnostic procedures. The results of these tests, the general physical examination and symptoms are then correlated to arrive at a final diagnosis. Depending on the final diagnosis, the general physician gives the necessary treatment (usually medication) to the patient or refers to a specialty department for further treatment. The department of general medicine at Six Sigma Hospital is favored by a multitude of people owing to the fact that is a convenient one-stop-solution. Add to this, the presence of talented specialists, modern diagnostic services and a 24-hour pharmacy go on to make this the all-round solution that patients seek.

The department of general medicine provides treatment for the following:
- All types of fevers
- Infections affecting different organs of the body
- All metabolic diseases and endocrine diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, obesity.
- Blood pressure
- Tummy aches, infections like vomiting, diarrhoea and jaundice
- Problems like a headache, muscular weakness, epilepsy.
The outpatient service
The doctor will examine you and ask questions about your symptoms, previous illnesses, medications, and your situation, to get helpful information to diagnose what is causing the illness. The doctor will refer you to other specialists and for tests or treatments as needed.
The Inpatient service
Inpatient service is provided to patients who: Require treatment that cannot be undertaken at home (this may include medication given into a vein, “IV drip“), need investigations that are best carried out while staying in a hospital and are too unwell to manage at home.